Spring Gardens Sydney – Your Healthy Spring Gardening Ideas

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landscape design Redfern | Mosarte Garden Living

With the winter chill finally starting to disappear, it’s time to think about Spring Gardens Sydney to bring your garden to life.

Spring is time for flowers to blossom creating colour in your garden. So, if you have been lying dormant with your gardening during the winter months, now is the time to get busy to ensure your garden shines throughout the summer months.

Mosarte’s tips will ensure that your spring garden will thrive. If you do the right thing at the right time, you will watch your garden grow to be green and beautiful.



Healthy Spring Gardens Sydney

Cut & prune for spring gardens Sydney

With Winter gone, the first thing you should do is get your garden cleaned up. This is the ideal time to get things in order. Start by removing leaves and weeds. Then it’s time to cut your garden back.

Prune any hedges back or any overgrowth shrubs before the Spring flush. Otherwise, you’re going to lose all of that growth and make it more difficult to shape it properly. 

Cut and prune until everything is tightened up, remembering that wherever you cut it back, you get the growth in those areas. 

Contact us at Mosarte to include stunning garden hedges into your new spring gardens Sydney landscape design.

Tip prune your gardenias to help thicken them up.


Moisturise the soil 

After Winter, your soil is most likely packed and dried out. So, it’s crucial to add moisture and put Wetter Soil down, whether it’s granular or saturate. This process forces the existing soil to hold moisture, which will surely help your garden throughout the summer period.

Ensuring your soil has more moisture and can retain enough moisture is an insurance for your garden during the hot, summer days that are on their way. In fact, it might save your garden from certain disaster in case you are forced to face a drought period.

Mulch it down

Mulch should be a vital part of your Spring gardens Sydney ritual. It doesn’t only help prevent weeds and diseases, as it also maintains the moisture and temperature of the soil. You can add any kind of mulch you prefer or do a selective plan.

For example, in a standard area, I like to add pine bark down. But in vegetable gardens, I rather go for “Lucerne” or sugar cane, which you can dig into the soil and build a hummus. Tea Tree and things that are a bit decorative too, if you’ve got a native garden it can look a little bit better.

Every season, you can dig that and repeat the process.


Fertilise your lawn

Feeding the lawn to maximise your Spring garden can be quite tricky sometimes. We recommend a granular lawn food for a standard lawn. If you’ve got a few bare patches, perhaps oversow or put some runners in them. 

For buffalo lawn, you should leave in a top dress if you’ve got a few holes in the lawn.

Then, it’s time to fertilise on slow release. That’s very important. Animal manure is great for short impact. It gives you nitrogen to green your lawn but it it’s not going to give you longevity. That’s why we do recommend you to use slow release fertiliser, like Scotts Lawn Builder.

Landscape Design Northern Beaches - Mosarte Garden Living


Add animal manure – but be selective!

When it comes to other parts of the garden I’d definitely add cow manure or even blood and bone fertiliser as well.

But be careful, you can’t add it to everything! Some plants are quite sensitive to animal manures, such as Magnolias and Gardenias.

However, you can freely add it to the rest of your garden, including your vegetable garden. Manure helps to bring flavour to your fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes and strawberries. So, you just have to be selective and add different fertilisers for different purposes.


Don’t forget slow-release fertilisers for spring growth

Slow-release fertilisers are a much more reliable solution in the long run and work well over the Spring-Summer period.  

These types of fertilisers give sustained growth to your plants at a more even sort of pace rather than just giving that hit of nitrogen, which an animal manure does do it.


Invest in your irrigation system

Lack of water can compromise your entire garden and put your work to waste. Investing in your irrigation system is a must-do for your garden. If you’ve got one in place already, then make sure it’s all working for summer. Sometimes you can get little spiders or ants in it, which block it up, so now is the perfect time to check if it needs unblocking.

If you don’t have an irrigation system yet, then we recommend you to do it to protect your garden over the warmer months.


Start Spring planting

Now you’ve got everything in order, it’s time to think about your spring planting, particularly now that we’ve had the winter rain. If you love flowers in your garden, you may want to switch your annuals, from Pansies and Violets to Petunias and Begonias. 

Actually, why not go for some unique choices, such as New Guinean Impatiens?

Inner City Landscape Designer Sydney | Spring Gardens Sydney | Mosarte Garden Living


Need help with your Spring garden?

Don’t wait any longer and prepare your Spring garden Sydney for Summer! Let us know what do you think about our expert garden tips for Spring.

To discuss our garden consultancy and design services, give us a call to arrange a free discovery call.

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